(Leadership Development Program in German)
Wettbewerbsfähige Unternehmensführung mit ESPRIX
ESPRIX Excellence Suisse fördert die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit - im Sinne von Business Excellence - von Unternehmen und Organisationen. Für die Entwicklung und Verbesserung der Innovationsfähigkeit bietet sie ein Leadership Development Program an.
The key is to:
- begin such a journey with key leaders from IT and business;
- have a clear visionary purpose and a clear understanding of expected benefits;
- design a global picture with all the stakeholders.
And last but not at least, have a structured and facilitated approach at the envisioning phase.
There is no doubt that Information Technology is one of the main enablers in organisational change. But which is the technology which is most relevant for your business? Incremental, major or disruptive change? The list of enabling information technology is getting longer. The application of these technologies will allow you to decide if you are competitive and become relevant in the market. Organisations need to assess more frequently if new technology can be applied to obtain continuous improvements or major re-engineering initiatives. But at the same time organisations also need to search for new opportunities with disruptive technologies. Using the latest technology offers a company the opportunity of extending its core competence, leverage the existing infrastructure and resources to similar products, or generate a new business model based on the industry know-how that an organisation already has as an asset.
Now, all of this sounds right and companies might be aware of and have the desire to use new technology in order to increase their competiveness and survival in the market. In addition, they might also have the right level of experts and know-how to initiate such a change. But still, companies are facing challenges when they start to question the status quo and want to use, and gain, advantages offered by the latest technology. This is mainly due to the fact that companies failed to develop an agile organisational culture which would be the right breeding ground for the ability to identify and respond effectively and efficiently to opportunities and fears such as those being faced by companies nowadays with new disruptive technologies.